New York Times AR App Lets You See and Compare Air Pollution in Cities
The New York Times has a built a new app that lets users see air pollution in various cities across the world. One of its most interesting aspects is that it lets one compare one’s own city of residence with that of the other major cities of the world.
The augmented reality app enables you to actually visualize the invisible dirt particles in the air. It shows the worst possible contamination, that is, the worst day of the year for various cities. The animation below shows the pollution in New Delhi.
Users can find the augmented reality visualization directly on the New York Times app for Android and iOS in the immersive section. You can also view the pollution simulation via your smartphone in the Chrome browser.
The second paragraph includes a button that activates the augmented reality effect. It automatically finds the user’s location. At the moment, only the large cities of the world are supported.
City Comparison through AR Visualization
The degree of pollution in the cities is shown in micrograms per cubic meter in the app. The value can then be accessed on a scale.
From the app, it is shown that New Delhi has the worst pollution at 900 micrograms per cubic meter which is beyond the scale of the US Environmental Protection Agency which only extends to 500 micrograms per cubic meter. These values, are however, not average.
The app developer believes augmented reality can play a crucial role in the future in bringing people closer to the reality of their environments by overlaying environmental phenomena with data displays.
However, be sure to pay attention to the traffic when roaming your city with the app.
Related Posts×90.jpgAugmented RealityTechnologyThe New York Times has a built a new app that lets users see air pollution in various cities across the world. One of its most interesting aspects is that it lets one compare one’s own city of residence with that of the other major cities of the world. The…Sam OchanjiSam Ochanjisochanji@yahoo.comAdministratorVirtual Reality Times