Nomadic Launches New Mixed Reality Center in Las Vegas
After the success of its debut location in Orlando, FL, Bay Area-based startup Nomadic is launching a new location-based virtual reality entertainment center in Las Vegas which will open later this year. This Nevada outpost will be Nomadic’s second virtual reality center and will be based in the Area51 complex on a site covering 6,000 square feet which will be divided into two full play-spaces.
Through its location-based VR centers, Nomadic is bringing forth a new medium of immersive entertainment into the marketplace. One of its top location-based VR experiences is the Arizona Sunshine VR which combines a highly immersive environment, a high quality of production and reactive props to create one of the most spectacular location-based VR experiences.

Nomadic has yet to disclose the kinds of experiences that it will feature in its Las Vegas location but fans won’t have to wait too long to find out as the opening of the center is slated for later this year.
The VR entertainment company aims to be at the frontiers of the next generation, out-of-home and fully immersive entertainment and towards that end, the company has created a massive curated collection of very unique retail and entertainment business along with artists and top live events that will fit nicely at the Area15 site.
The choice of Area15 as its Las Vegas outpost was a good one as the company is able to work with a partner that is equally dedicated to high-level innovation and entertainment. According to Nomadic founder Doug Griffin, the AREA15 location was “a perfect match” for the company’s needs.
Nomadic is just one of the few startups that are bringing dedicated location-based virtual reality experiences to movie theaters and malls enabling consumers to enjoy dedicated stages with doors, walls and various other physical props. Its 6,000 square feet Las Vegas location will be home two stages.
The company opened its first location in Orlando, FL in 2018. Over the past year, the company has been using its Florida location in hosting multiple virtual experiences that are based on the virtual reality game “Arizona Sunshine”. In late 2018, the company announced that it would also be collaborating with Paramount and Vrwerx in launching a “Mission Impossible” experience.
The opening of its Las Vegas location is continuing to transform the city into a hub for location-based immersive media. A year ago, the Void also launched its first virtual reality center in Las Vegas. Other companies running location-based virtual reality experiences in the city include Zero Latency and PlatformaVR.
Related Posts×90.jpgBusinessStartupsAfter the success of its debut location in Orlando, FL, Bay Area-based startup Nomadic is launching a new location-based virtual reality entertainment center in Las Vegas which will open later this year. This Nevada outpost will be Nomadic’s second virtual reality center and will be based in the Area51…Sam OchanjiSam Ochanjisochanji@yahoo.comAdministratorVirtual Reality Times